Orthopedics & Sports Medicine

We Specialize In:
The anterior cruciate ligament, or ACL, is one of four main ligaments of the knee. Ligaments are strong bands of tissue ...
Tendons are fibrous bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones, allowing the body to move. The largest tendon in the ...
The sports medicine and orthopedic specialists at DMC Medical Group provide orthopedic acupuncture in Detroit and southe...
Your arms are anatomically complex — containing three bones and many muscles, joints, tendons and connective tissu...
Arthritis is a disease that affects the joints and can make it painful to not only participate in athletic activities, b...
At DMC Medical Group, we provide minimally invasive procedures in Detroit and southeastern Michigan for sports injuries ...
Most Americans suffer with back pain at one time or another. In fact, one-half of all working Americans experience back ...
DMC Medical Group provides alternatives to knee surgery, including biologic joint reconstruction in Detroit. This minima...
At DMC Medical Group, our skilled sports medicine and orthopedic specialists perform cartilage and meniscus repair in De...
Rotator cuff injuries are common in people who play sports or who have occupations that require repeat overhead motions,...
DMC Medical Group provides comprehensive pediatric orthopedic care in Detroit and southeastern Michigan, helping kids to...
The sports medicine and orthopedics team at DMC Medical Group can provide patients with corticosteroid injections in Det...
Our daily lives require us to move effectively from one place to another, so when your mobility is limited due to an ank...
When cartilage breaks down due to arthritis, it can cause pain and have an impact on your daily life. Many arthritis pat...
Ligament tears can be painful, frustrating injuries to experience, but the sports medicine and orthopedics team at DMC M...
The sports medicine and orthopedic specialists at DMC Medical Group provide MAKOplasty procedures in Detroit and southea...
DMC Medical Group provides osteopathic manipulative treatment in Detroit and southeastern Michigan. Also called OMT, thi...
The sports medicine and orthopedic specialists at DMC Medical Group can provide treatments for patients who have a patel...
The musculoskeletal injuries that occur while you’re exercising or playing sports are typically referred to as spo...
The sports medicine and orthopedic specialists at DMC Medical Group can provide Tenex procedures in Detroit for patients...
Seek immediate medical attention if you are experiencing this symptom.
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Physician specialty matches Doctor Results for {{ SearchTerm }}{{ CommonSearchTermValue }}{{ BySpecialties }} near {{ ByZipCode }}
{{physician.FirstName}} {{physician.LastName}}, {{physician.Title}}
{{PrintSpecialties(physician.Specialties, "Name")}}

{{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Group")}}
- {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Address1")}}
- {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Address2")}}
- {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "City")}}{{VueFilterInfo(physician.Addresses,0,'State') ? ',' : '' }} {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "State")}} {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Zip")}}
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{{PhysicianDetails.FirstName}} {{PhysicianDetails.LastName}}, {{PhysicianDetails.Title}}
{{ PrintSpecialties(PhysicianDetails.Specialties, "Name")}}
Primary Location
{{ addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Group")}}
- {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Address1")}}
- {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Address2")}}
- {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "City")}}{{VueFilterInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses,0,'State') ? ',' : '' }} {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "State")}} {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Zip")}}
Languages Spoken
{{PhysicianDetails.Gender === "M" ? "Male" : "Female"}}
About {{PhysicianDetails.FirstName}} {{PhysicianDetails.LastName}}, {{PhysicianDetails.Title}}
{{ SliceAboutMe(PhysicianDetails.AboutMe) }}
Read more about {{PhysicianDetails.FirstName}} {{PhysicianDetails.LastName}}, {{PhysicianDetails.Title}} Read less about {{PhysicianDetails.FirstName}} {{PhysicianDetails.LastName}}, {{PhysicianDetails.Title}}
- {{item.Name}}
The following insurance plans may be accepted by this provider. Please contact the provider's office directly to confirm insurance plans accepted.
Please contact this provider's office directly to determine insurance plans accepted.
- {{item.Payor}}
- {{item.Name}}
- {{item.Type == 'F' ? 'Fellowship' : ''}}{{item.Type == 'M' ? 'Medical School' : ''}}{{item.Type == 'I' ? 'Internship' : ''}}{{item.Type == 'R' ? 'Residency' : ''}}: {{item.Description}}
Patient Comments
Primary Location
{{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Group")}}
- {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Address1")}}
- {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Address2")}}
- {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "City")}}{{VueFilterInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses,0,'State') ? ',' : '' }} {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "State")}} {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Zip")}}
Languages Spoken
{{PhysicianDetails.Gender === "M" ? "Male" : "Female"}}
Where to Find {{PhysicianDetails.FirstName}} {{PhysicianDetails.LastName}}, {{PhysicianDetails.Title}}
#ResourceNotFound: PhysicianFinderResources, Miles2#
- {{plocation.Address1}}
- {{plocation.Address2}}
- {{plocation.City}}{{plocation.State ? ',' : '' }} {{plocation.State}} {{plocation.Zip}}
Location Results
for {{LookingWhereSearchResult}} within {{SelectedMiles}} miles
{{milesInfo(facility.distanceInMiles)}} miles
- {{facility.Address.Street}}
- {{facility.Street2}}
- {{facility.Address.City}}, {{facility.Address.StateCode}} {{facility.Address.Zip}}
- {{facility.Phone}}
{{milesInfo(facility.distanceInMiles)}} miles
- {{facility.Address.Street}}
- {{facility.Street2}}
- {{facility.Address.City}}, {{facility.Address.StateCode}} {{facility.Address.Zip}}
- {{facility.Phone}}
{{milesInfo(facility.distanceInMiles)}} miles
- {{facility.Address.Street}}
- {{facility.Street2}}
- {{facility.Address.City}}, {{facility.Address.StateCode}} {{facility.Address.Zip}}
- {{facility.Phone}}
{{facility.Address.Street}}, {{facility.Street2}}
{{facility.Address.City}}, {{facility.Address.StateCode}} {{facility.Address.Zip}}
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